ASTROLOGY is also categorised in several forms by the time and culture. The oldest astrological theory is Vedic astrology. According to the Vedic texts the first teacher of this astrology was Lord Brahma (the creator of universe). There are total 18 ancient Sages as teacher along with Brahma who are called Purvacharyas (ancient teachers) of Vedic astrology. After that, several others like western astrology, numerology, tarot reading, lo shu grid and other methods were developed which are several forms of astrology. In Vedic astrology Palmistry is also a next side of astrology which is very capable in case of fortune telling which was later accepted in western countries and is very popular too. Mostly in western field numerology is more famous. And in the present era not only western but also eastern people has faith and interest on it.
Here, we will talk something about NUMEROLOGY. We will also talk on other topics mentioned above gradually on further posts. In numerology a person's fortune is calculated on the basis of his date of birth (year, month and day). By the calculation one's nature, lucky and unlucky things as well as lucky years on upcoming future is analysed. These all depends upon the lucky number of the person according to his birth.This is a science beyond the numbers one to nine. Lucky stones are also selected on the basis of lucky number. Thus, faithful people can get solutions and right directions for their better life with the help of numerology.
We can provide you not only the information but also a good service on astrology or numerology if you desire. You can comment or contact us if interested. We are always with you to help.
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