
Thursday, 16 July 2020

Corona Virus


 Whenever people get much sinful and forget the existence of God, whenever religious rules and regulations get no value and DHARMA is criticised by ADHARMA means to say that, when people forget the holyness or religious duties and start living wild, several destructions such as flood, landslide, earthquake, harmful unusual diseases (epidemic) and so on natural as well as social destructions occur. It is a philosophy of Hinduism. As the time and situation we can see around, now a days. People are going more selfish and criminal mind. Humanity is being vanished. Religious or spiritual acts are also vanishing day by day or being used just for business. In name of modernity and freedom, people are forgetting the ancient culture and living an undisciplined life. Thus, we can say DHARMA is really being criticised by ADHARMA.  

 In present, the entire world is distributed by Corona Virus (Covid 19). We can see illness, pain and fear of death everywhere. This unwanted disease has created a puzzle and disturbance on the freely running life of people. Anyway we have a compulsion to bear it and handle our life, as it is. Several scientific researches are running day by day for the vaccine of Corona virus. Untill the vaccine is not ready, we all need to be very strong and secure. Some steps and remedies can help us to be strong and safe physically as well as mentally in this time. So, let's forward our steps towards spirituality. Let's do meditation. Let's remember God and pray him from the inner core of our heart. God is the almighty who can save us from every fears and dangers. He is certainly able to remove the epidemic acts and destructions. His holy feelings and devotion provides us a strong mental energy always, especially at this time. Positive feeling is also a type of medicine for our mental peace and calm of mind, so let's be spiritual.


On the other side, we can practice Yoga exercises and Pranayam means breathing yoga exercises, on daily basis. Also we can use some powerful natural herbs or minerals which make our immunity strong. So that, we can be safe from Corona Virus. There are several Yoga steps and Herbal remedies to keep ourselves healthy and strong with high immunity. Among those several yoga steps three major breathing yoga exercises named Bhastrika, Kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom are the best and in case of natural immuno boosters Giloy and Shilajit are very perfect to use. Hope, our article on Corona virus will help you to be safe and feel mentally strong. Stay blessed stay happy.

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